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July 11, 2024


🔌 Generic Webhook Alert Source

🔌 Generic Webhook Alert Source

Rootly has countless built-in alert sources—including Datadog, Grafana, Sentry, and more—that allow you to manage all the tools you want to send alerts to Rootly from one simple user interface. Alerts can be used to instantly start incidents and page responders the moment a problem is detected. Now, you can also create an alert source using Generic Webhooks, allowing you to intake alerts from any source. Some examples of where this comes in handy:

  • Integrating your own internal monitoring tools to Rootly
  • Integrating any other third-party tool that isn’t in our native Alert Sources integrations list (yet!) 

Some monitoring platforms allow you to configure what the outgoing webhook payload looks like, but majority don’t, which can limit their integration compatibility with downstream tools. That’s not a problem in Rootly—with our generic webhook alert source, there is no need to make changes to the source’s outgoing webhook payload, meaning any platform that sends webhooks is compatible. To ensure the widest possible compatibility, we enforce no contract on incoming webhooks, but we do allow you to configure some parsing rules to define where in the incoming payload should grab the alert title, notification type, and notification target from so that it’s easy to read and understand when your responder receives a page.

Just like any other alert source, generic webhook alert sources can be configured from the Alerts tab in Rootly web. Click “Add Alert Source”, then select Generic Webhook. You’ll be prompted through a step-by-step guide to set up and test your alert, right within the platform. Generic webhook alerts might look technical, but they’re actually really easy to set up in just a couple of steps. Follow the instructions below or check out our in-depth video walkthrough to get started.

First, you’ll create the webhook with the details we provide:

Next, you’ll specify where Rootly should parse the alert details from.

That’s it! Once you complete these setup steps, you’ll be prompted to test your alert to make sure it’s working as intended. 

🌝 New & Improved

🆕 Recurring workflows can now be configured with an “end condition”. E.g. repeat this workflow for 5 runs OR repeat this workflow for 30 minutes after the initial run.

💅 Update Zendesk Ticket workflow action can now take in NULL values for the priority and status fields. Leaving these fields blank in the configuration will cause Rootly to leave those fields unmodified on the workflow run.

💅 PagerDuty integration has been enhanced to recognize PagerDuty users with multiple emails.

💅 Improved web UI display of extended incident titles on the Incident Details page.

🐛 Mandatory rich text fields on incident forms are now enforced.

🐛 Fixed inability for Fivetran integration to fetch metrics dashboards.

🐛 Fixed filtering issue on alerts filtered by labels.

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