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March 16, 2023


View Who’s On-Call

View Who’s On-Call

📞 View Who's On-Call

Knowing who is on-call is helpful beyond just paging someone during an incident. It's useful for knowing who to hand-off to, who you can ping on a team for potential issues, and more.

But today there is a tedious process involved on how you'd figure that out.

  1. Navigate out of Slack
  2. Digging up your login for your paging solution
  3. Determining which service or policy you want to check
  4. Locate the person assigned to the specific time slot
  5. Navigate back to Slack
  6. Find person and contact them

Not exactly the most efficient process...

With the new Who's On-Call feature, Rootly will fetch and display your PagerDuty, Opsgenie, or VictorOps on-call schedules, without you having to leave Slack!

Just key in the /incident oncall command, in or outside of an incident channel, and select a Service or Schedule to check. Rootly will also present you with the on-call user at each escalation level.

Users have the ability to directly escalate from there without leaving the modal. Available to all customers starting today!

🌝 New & Improved

🆕 Introduced new endpoint to delete a user via API
🆕 Out-of-box form field names can now be set to custom values
💅 Expanded incident search logic to search beyond incident title
💅 Enhanced global audit log to includes export events
🐛 Add Action Item workflow task can correctly accept incident / liquid variables
🐛 Filtering capability on Incidents page have been fixed to return all matches

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🕵️On-Call Schedule Owners & Gap Finder

Incident Variable Explorer Integration - Component & Template Support

Sandbox Environments

Rollbar Integration

Beautiful Incident Timeline Pages

Manage Workflows via API, Terraform, and Pulumi

Customizable Incident Metrics

Microsoft Teams Integration

Microsoft Azure Active Directory SSO Integration

Backstage Integration

Linear Integration

Workflow Versioning

Incident Feedback

Retroactively Create Incidents and Modify Timestamps

Pulumi Provider for Rootly

Notion Integration


Custom Fields

Automatically Schedule Postmortem Reviews

Auto Create Incidents from Any Alert

Terraform Provider for Rootly

Get Support From Rootly in Slack

Bookmark Anything in Incident Slack Channel

Convert Existing Channels to Rootly Incidents